Seal Criminal Records for DUI, Retail Theft, Possession of Drugs, and Other Misdemeanors
You may be able to prevent the general public, your private employer and landlord from gaining access to your conviction records for a 2nd or 3rd degree misdemeanor or ungraded offense.
As of November 2016, Pennsylvania law allows individuals to petition the court to seal criminal records under an “order for limited access” for charges like 2nd and 3rd degree misdemeanors. After 10 years of good behavior your criminal record of certain misdemeanors can be sealed and will only be available for limited inspection by state professional and occupational licensing agencies, as well as agencies such as the Department of Human Services for child protective services and criminal justice agencies. However, these records are not available to the general public, private employers, or landlords. Further, unless requested by an agency already authorized to see the records, you will not be required to disclose criminal information that is the subject of an “order for limited access.”